Bye-Bye Birdie Yes, You Can Scare Birds Away

by Alex A. Kecskes

While most birds are loved by man, pest birds represent a significant and ongoing problem. According to the FAA, bird strikes cost civil aviation almost $500 million a year. Keep in mind that just one bird can destroy an expensive jet engine in just seconds. The fact is, bird strikes on military airfields endanger our troops, can jeopardize the mission and ruin equipment. It's easy to see why many people look for ways to scare birds away.

Growers don't much care for pest birds either. Native and non-native bird species have been known to cause crop losses in vineyards--typically 30 percent to as much as 100 percent. Pest birds can quickly devour seeds and ripening fruit. Many growers pull out all the stops to scare birds away.

In the cities and urban areas, pest birds can wreak havoc with building facades, statues, schools, public playgrounds and parks. Bird droppings can destroy the paint on cars and buildings. They leave an unsightly mess and can carry a number of communicable diseases. Diseases transmitted by birds include aspergillosis, salmonellosis, thrush, avian tuberculosis, coccidiosis, cryptococcoses, encephalitis, histoplasmosis, Newcastle disease, toxoplasmosis and West Nile virus. No wonder so many municipalities have spent considerable sums of money to scare birds away.

The feral pigeon is by far the most prolific urban pest bird in the world. Originally descended from the domesticated rock dove, they are now wild and live in close proximity to man. Feral pigeons are scavengers, scrounging for food in cities and town centers, where they are often eagerly fed by the general public. Feral pigeon populations are on the rise due to a lack of natural predators, the constant supply of food and their ability to breed year around.

Other pest birds include the house sparrow, the starling and the gull. Gulls are scavengers and feed from scraps of food in town centers as well as sewerage outlets and domestic garbage dumps. Starlings often gather in huge flocks where their droppings ruin structures and monuments. Small but still a nuisance are sparrows, which often clog rain gutters and downspouts, and frequently cause electrical equipment shorts and fires.

To scare birds away without harming them can prove to be quite a challenge. Fortunately, there are a number of pest bird deterrents that are available to humanely discourage birds from landing, roosting and nesting.

For pigeons and large birds, consider the use of the highly effective Bird Spike strip. Harmless to birds, the intimidating spikes simply discourage birds from landing. Some bird spikes are made of stainless steel, others use rigid unbreakable polycarbonate spikes (the poly spikes are less expensive).

For flat even areas, the Bird Spider has proven its worth as an effective pest bird deterrent. The spindly spider arms whip around in the wind to scare birds away. Spiders come in several diameters to deter various bird sizes. Harmless to birds, spiders are easy to maintain and easy to install. Similar to the spider, the motorized whirly-gig utilizes rotating arms to scare birds away. Ideal for parapet walls, roofs, signs, and billboards, some of these products are powered by batteries and others are even powered by solar energy.

Next up are the growing number of balloons and banners of iridescent reflective foil and shiny tape, which create an “Optical Distraction Zone.” Some of these bird scare products feature lifelike reflective predator eyes. Others have "day-glow" backsides to scare birds away at night. One of the many things that make these bird scare products so appealing is their low cost and easy installation. They're ideal for use on boat docks, pool areas, overhangs, gazebos, and other troublesome areas.

We know people get irritated whey they walk across a carpet, reach for a doorknob and get shocked. It's the same with birds. Electric Shock Bird Repellers have been used for years to scare birds away. Ideal for pigeons, seagulls and larger birds, these electrified tracks mildly zap birds that try to land. Easily mounted on ledges, signs, rooftops, and flat or curved surfaces, many electric tracks have a low profile tracks, so they can't be seen from below.

While screaming at birds or blasting loud horns can scare birds away, there are bird deterrents that use ultrasonic sounds that annoy birds--annoy them enough to discourage them from landing. These audio deterrents imitate distress calls and predator calls. They're ideal for enclosed areas like parking garages, overhangs and sheds, where  pigeons, sparrows, starlings or seagulls sometimes gather in flocks.

Farmers and growers have long used this next category of bird deterrents to scare birds away. Known as Foggers or Misters, these disperse a food-grade, non-lethal aerosol of methyl anthranilate. The chemical has been approved by the EPA and won't harm birds. It simply irritates birds that fly through it, convincing them to avoid the area. Some misting systems feature multiple remote spray nozzles to allow specific areas to be treated and pinpointed.

How to Get Rid of Pest Birds at Open-Air Produce Markets

by Alex A. Kecskes

Let’s say you own or manage an open-air produce market, the kind that’s becoming increasingly popular as today’s quality conscious consumers shy away from big chain supermarkets.

You pride yourself on the fresh, clean appearance of your store, something that draws a discriminating clientele to shop there, week after week. What you don’t want to draw are pest birds. They not only bother your customers, but they can ruin the image of your store with their smelly nests and droppings. Droppings that can contaminate your produce, deface your signage and awnings/umbrellas, and create filthy walkways your customers will sidestep to avoid. Worse yet, bird droppings on open-air produce can bring a citation or two from health inspectors who can easily shut you down.

So how do you get rid of pest birds? BB guns, poisons, noisemakers--they’re just too dangerous or intrusive to be practical. The only viable solution is modern effective bird control. These devices and systems have been specifically designed to deter pest birds from commercial premises like yours. Here are a few of the more popular pest bird deterrents:

Bird Spike. Pest birds love to loiter on roofs, parapet walls, signage, awnings and other lofty areas. From there, they can “dive bomb” onto open food carts and displays, pick food off tables and chairs, and scavenge for scraps on the ground. Bird spikes deny them these loft perches, making it impossible for birds to land on or near them. Ideal for pigeons, crows and other large birds, bird spikes come in strong, rigid unbreakable polycarbonate or flexible stainless steel. The best spikes are made of marine-grade stainless steel and feature a U.V.-protected polycarbonate base. You can also get bird spikes with a crush proof, non-reflective metal finish. If you opt for less expensive plastic bitrd spikes, you can choose from a variety of colors--like white, tan, gray, black, brown, brick red and crystal clear. To keep birds like crows and pigeons out of your rain gutters, you’ll need the Gutter Spike, which has an adjustable clamp at the base for easy attachment to the lip of a gutter.

Bird Spider. To protect specific areas of your market from pest birds, Bird Spiders can be quite effective. These portable devices can be easily moved onto most lofty areas birds like to frequent. They include a glue-on base, which allows them to be permanently affixed to flat most surfaces. Place one or two on a roof or fixed awning and birds will definitely avoid the area. How do they work? Simple. Bird spiders use long spindly spider-like arms that whip about in the breeze, making pest birds too nervous to land near them. If your market has outdoor seating areas, you can temporarily place a spider on an outdoor table or two before opening hours to keep pest birds from landing on them. Spiders come in several diameters (arm lengths) to discourage many types of pest birds--typically, 2-, 4- and 8-foot arms to cover increasingly larger areas. Ideal for use against pigeons, seagulls and larger birds, spiders have no moving parts to wear out, so they’re basically maintenance free. Look for bird spiders that have a U.V.-protected polycarbonate base.

Bird Sonics. Certain sounds can be perfectly innocuous to humans while at the same time striking fear in the hearts of pest birds. Bird sonic systems have been scientifically designed by ornithologists to do just that. These systems and their portable speakers are easily mounted on storefronts, patio covers, and under eaves and awnings. They can keep pest birds away from outdoor areas by emitting predator and distress calls most birds find alarming and disturbing. Once installed, they’re designed to ward off all manner of birds--including pigeons, crows, starlings, swallows, gulls, woodpeckers, sparrows, grackles, cormorants and many others. One super-flexible sonic system emits distress and predator calls for 22 types of birds. Something to keep in mind if you’re being invaded by several bird species.

Getting Rid of Birds in Your Warehouse

by Alex A. Kecskes

Pigeons, sparrows, crows, gulls—they can become costly headaches to commercial warehouses. For starters, they create a dangerous distraction to employees operating forklifts and other machinery. And lest we not forget that bird nests, feathers and other debris are ideal kindling for starting fires near electrical equipment, wiring and hot lights.

Then there are the bird droppings, which create a whole slew of problems in warehouses. Not the least of which are slip-and-fall hazards. There’s also the contamination factor--birds can carry any of 60 known diseases. And the cost of damage to products on shelves and in loading docks can be severe. Finally, the acid in bird droppings can eat into packaging, obscure labeling codes and other shipping information. This can create all sorts of problems for inventory control and expediting personnel.

Rather than resorting to poisons or BB guns to clear your warehouse of pest birds, you should consider using non-lethal, humane bird deterrents.

One of the most effective bird deterrent systems on the market is the Automated Avian Fogging System. This advanced hazing system releases a fine fog into the air to deter pest birds from large spaces. It’s been proven highly effective in driving out pigeons, sparrows, crows, gulls, even vultures from warehouses, factories, airline hangers and many outdoor areas.
This powerful bird control tool is the first fogging unit to offer programmable components and a computerized touch screen. It works by dispensing a chemical known as methyl anthranilate--a grape extract proven to be effective in repelling pest birds. The extract irritates birds’ trigeminal nerve and mucous membranes through entry in the eyes, nose or mouth. Birds find the sensation very annoying and will seek the nearest exit the minute they get a healthy whiff of the chemical.

There’s plenty of flexibility in how the system dispenses the fogging chemical. For example, a control unit lets you attach up to 64 fogging “drop” units, and each unit can be controlled individually. An adjustable nozzle system lets you direct the chemical spray to areas where pest birds tend to flock and roost. A unique nozzle design delivers a 5-micron particle size spray, which leaves no chemical residue. What’s more, each drop station covers approximately 6,000 to 8,000 square feet. You can also control the dispensing times, so that the spray units will begin dispensing fog all at once or at alternating intervals. A convenient control panel monitors liquid levels, and notifies you when to refills are necessary.

Another effective pest bird deterrent for use in warehouses is No-Knot Bird netting. This low-profile netting creates a barrier that physically excludes pigeons, sparrows, gulls, starlings and crows. The netting is available in two mesh sizes to deter various size pest birds. For example, there’s a 2-inch mesh for pigeons and crows and 3/4-inch mesh for sparrows and smaller birds. No-Knot Bird Netting comes with a 10-year guarantee. It's fabricated of flame resistant, multi-strand polypropylene fiber and is highly resistant to many chemicals. It’s also ISO 1806 Protocol Mesh tested, and it won't rot, absorb water, or mildew. Another advantage of No-Knot Netting is that it is very light and easy to handle, yet it has a break strength of 50 pounds.

Before using any bird deterrents, be sure to remove bird droppings, feathers and nesting materials. (Birds are attracted to this debris and will regard the venue as “friendly.”) Use commercial disinfecting cleaning agents to prevent exposure to any of the 60 known airborne diseases caused by birds. You should also use eye and respiratory protection if the area is heavily contaminated with bird droppings.



Get Rid of Pigeons

by Alex A. Kecskes

Almost everyone has heard about pigeons invading parks and monuments, shedding their disease-carrying droppings on statues and contaminating ponds and playgrounds. But pigeons also pose a problem to many businesses. And perhaps the least mentioned are the many problems pest pigeons pose to gas stations.

Take your basic gas station canopy, for example. Once pigeons have claimed them and decided to nest on them, it's just a matter of time before a flock of pigeons can ruin your average $25,000.00 canopy.

Why do so many pigeons like to nest on gas canopies? Simple. They provide a great observation point for pigeons. The resourceful birds like to sit along the canopy edges and survey the area. And if you've ever seen how these canopies are built, you know that they easily provide plenty of protected nesting sites on their undersides and gutter areas.
Unless you get rid of pigeons, the flat metal roof areas will soon be covered with pigeon droppings and nests. Both will clog the canopy's drains and eat away at the canopy's paint and metal. After a rain, one can't help but notice the brown residue and offensive odor caused by collected pigeon droppings and nesting debris. This debris and unsavory odor will collect on the covered paved areas of a gas station and create and unwelcome site for customers. Worse yet, left to gather in the wet, pigeon droppings can cause dangerous slip-and-fall hazards to customers and employees. After several years, gas canopies can even become structurally degraded to cause a possible hazard for motorists and workers.

So what to do? If high gas prices aren't enough to keep motorists away, do you really need pest pigeons? Fortunately, there are several humane and highly effective ways to get rid of pigeons.

Intimidating Bird Spikes

The mother of pest bird deterrents, the Bird Spike has saved more buildings and structures from pigeons than perhaps any other deterrent. Bird Spikes get rid of pigeons because they simply can't negotiate a landing around them. The spiked strips come in rigid U.V.-resistant unbreakable polycarbonate, or longer-lasting, slightly more expensive stainless steel, which you can get in a non-reflective metal finish. These days you can even get bird spikes in a full spectrum of colors--including white, tan, gray, black, brown, brick red and crystal clear. The spikes are easily glued or screwed to any surface. Choose the Girder Spike for keeping pigeons off girders or I-beams (they come with adjustable “C-clamps” to fit any size girder). To keep pigeons off rain gutters, there's the Gutter Spike. The best bird spikes are blunted, safe for birds and maintenance crews and GSA approved.

Virtually Invisible Bird Slopes

Install these in the 90-degree nooks and crannies of your gas station canopy and pest pigeons will never be able to land. Bird Slopes are angled, slippery PVC panels that pigeons can't seem to get a grip on. The panels come in a variety of colors to blend in with your gas station's aesthetics. U.V.-stabilized polycarbonate panels are best as they stand up to years of inclement weather.

Wobbly Bird Wire Systems

This is a great way to get rid of pigeons. They'll wobble and shimmy off these Bird Wire Systems like Bozo on a banana peel. Pigeons, like most birds, prefer stable landing areas. And bird wire systems with their post-and-spring-wire set-ups are anything but stable. String these systems on the roofs of canopies or their undersides and forget about pigeons. The systems are easily installed, and even used on Federal and State government buildings. The best systems feature nylon coated stainless steel wire for lasting durability.

Barrier Pigeon Netting

Exclusion is the name of the game.  And Bird Netting keeps them out of the corners and recesses of your gas station canopies like few deterrents can. It gets rid of pigeons by denying them access to these areas. The best netting is made from ISO 1806 mesh test polyethylene fabric. If you want the netting to last, get U.V.-stabilized, flame-resistant and rot and waterproof netting. Non-conductive netting is available for installations where electrical conductivity or radio frequency interference could cause problems--probably a good idea in gas stations. You can even get netting in several different colors--like including white, stone and black.

Stick it to 'em with Bird Gels

Like most birds, pigeons can't stand walking on these sticky gels. They get that stuck-in-flypaper feeling and can't wait to leave. Bird Gels are easy to apply using a standard caulking gun. The chemical skins over and stays sticky for up to six months.

How to Prevent Birds from Nesting

by Alex A. Kecskes

The most common pest species are European starlings, pigeons (sometimes called rock doves), and the female and male house sparrows. The male bird usually establishes and defends the nest. After the pair builds a nest, the male continues to defend the territory while the female hatches eggs. To keep common pest birds from nesting on your property, start by removing any sources of food, water and shelter.

Before they begin nesting, pest birds will look for food sources to sustain themselves and feed their young. Natural food sources include seeds, fruits, berries and insects. Trim back or remove plants that produce edible nuts, fruits and berries. Also be wary of any food scraps spilling out of trashcans on your property. Keep lids tightly closed on cans and make sure the surrounding areas have no food scraps on the ground to entice birds.

Insect larvae living in the cracks and grooves of house siding will attract woodpeckers, and you know how much damage they can do to your property. Caulk the edges of the grooves to fill any open tunnels. Also keep in mind that a source of water is essential for birds year round. Starlings are especially attracted to water. So cover up or drain any areas of water near your property.
All birds need shelter for nesting, which varies with the season and the species of bird. Remove or block access to any alcoves, nooks or crannies that birds can use to build a nest. Trim back and thin out any trees where birds may want to build a nest.

Unfortunately, not all bird problems can be eliminated by removing the incentives of food, water and shelter. Sometimes repellants and deterrents must be used to dissuade birds from nesting. The best of these are humane and can be highly effective, especially when used in tandem.

To discourage birds from nesting on ledges and rafters, make them inaccessible by installing bird netting on the underside of the rafters. No Knot Bird Netting is ideal for most exclusion applications because it’s fabricated of flame resistant polypropylene, chemically inert, and highly resistant to many chemicals and temperature extremes. In general, good bird netting won’t rot, absorb water, or mildew. The best bird netting is ISO 1806 Protocol Mesh Tested and U.V. stabilized.

Bird netting is effective for use against pigeons, sparrows, starlings, crows and gulls. It comes in several stock sizes and custom cuts--including 2- and 3/4-inch mesh. Unlike many netting products, No Knot netting is light and easy to handle and install. It also comes in different colors--including white, stone and black to blend in with your property.

Another exclusionary method for preventing birds from nesting on ledges and rafters involves the installation of Bird Slope. Birds very quickly get the message that the super slippery angled PVC panels are too slippery to even land on, much less build a nest on. After a few tries, they simply move on to better nesting sites.

Many architects prefer bird slope panels because they can integrate them into the design of the building or structure, making them “invisible.” The panels even come in a variety of different colors to blend in with a building's color scheme. They’re easily installed on most any surface using nails, screws or glue.

To discourage pest birds from large areas, try Bird Sonics. These bird proofing devices keep birds from nesting by emitting predator and distress sounds that birds instinctively seek to avoid. Sonic bird deterrents are ideal for use against crows, starlings, swallows, gulls, woodpeckers, sparrows, grackles, cormorants and many others. One sonic system on the market blasts the sound of Peregrine falcons (a pigeon's dreaded enemy) defending their territory. Another system targets starlings and seagulls, emitting the sounds of predator hawks screeching and gulls under attack. There’s even a system that emits distress and predator calls for up to 22 types of birds. The sounds emitted by the best sonic systems sound like normal bird sounds to the human ear.

How To Get Rid Of Birds Invading Your Store

If you run a grocery store, you know about health inspectors and health codes. You also know that the last thing you need in this fragile economy is a health code violation. Most cities in the U.S. have two types of violations: critical and non-critical. Pest birds can cause a critical violation. If you want to continue to do business, you must find a way to get rid of birds that may be loitering around your store.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, critical violations could cause a food-borne illness to infect a person. Most government inspection programs are based primarily on food safety, instead of food quality.

Stores are categorized based on the food safety risk posed by any activity conducted in the store. If a store is handling easily spoiled or food subject to infection, such as raw meat or deli service, it is considered a high-risk store and inspections are conducted more frequently. Moderate risk stores include convenience stores that heat cooked foods like hot dogs or pizza. Low risk stores usually carry only pre-packaged, non-potentially hazardous foods. There are many ways to get rid of birds, which when spotted by health inspectors, may cause you to incur a health code violation.

Keep in mind that the inspection schedule for many states is once every 6 months for high-risk establishments, every 18 months for moderate risk stores, and every 24 months for low-risk stores. The reason for this is based partly on the dangers posed by pest birds.

More than 250 food borne diseases are caused by the consumption of contaminated foods. The Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 76 million cases of food borne diseases occur annually in the U.S., resulting in approximately 325,000 hospitalizations and 5,000 deaths. These illnesses are mostly bacterial, viral or parasitic infections consisting of a variety of symptoms.  Among the most commonly recognized food borne infections are those caused by Salmonella, E. coli, and a group of viruses called Calicivirus. So you see, it's imperative that you find a way to get rid of birds.

Since feral birds can carry many of these diseases on their body, nests and droppings, grocery store owners and managers must do all they can to remove pest birds from their premises. 

One way to exclude pest birds from selected areas of your grocery store is though the use of bird netting. This barrier method of bird control has proven quite effective as a way to get rid of birds. Netting can easily be installed around signs, canopies, and the rooftops of your store. It comes in a variety of mesh sizes to deter sparrow, starlings, pigeons, seagulls and larger birds. Bird netting also comes in several colors--white, stone and black--to match your store's color scheme. The best netting usually meets ISO 1806 protocols and will last for years. For use outside in heavy sun or inclement weather, opt for U.V.-stabilized, flame resistant netting. You can also get rot- and water-proof netting for areas that are continually damp.

Getting Rid of Pest Birds

Bryan Donoho   

For many people, their home is their greatest asset. It provides shelter, equity, and sense of accomplishment so it is without surprise that most people will do whatever it takes to protect the value and aesthetic properties of their home. Unfortunately, humans are not the only creatures who seek refuge in a house. Pest birds such as pigeons and sparrows find most any house to be a suitable nesting location. Once a bird begins construction on a nest, it is next to impossible to get rid of them. The solution: Solve the problem before it begins. Factors such as disease and property damage further encourage homeowners to get rid of birds to avoid any potential problems.

Birds are very simple creatures but can present some complex problems when nesting on a home. They will seek out any nook or crevice that will provide sufficient shelter. They prefer to be near a food source, so it is always good to check and see if there is any available food. If there is one, get rid of it. This includes bird feeders, trash, pet food, etc. Once birds have established a viable food source, there are very few things that will deter them. After eliminating any potential food sources, getting rid of birds will be much easier.

When attempting to get rid of birds on a home there are three basic kinds of deterrents. These include physical, visual, and sound deterrents. Each different type of deterrent has its place in keeping a home "bird free". By examining these three types of deterrents, one will have a better understanding of how to get rid of birds on a home and hopefully avoid any potential problems.

First off, physical bird deterrents are always the best way to get rid of pest birds. By completely blocking off they're nesting or perching areas, it forces them elsewhere. The most common types of physical bird deterrents are bird spikes and bird netting. Of course, there are other types of physical deterrent, however the majority of the time either netting or bird spikes will do the trick. To understand this, one must have an idea of where the most common nesting and perching areas are on a home. Beginning with the top of the house, birds will often times perch on the roof peak of the structure and the chimney. These areas are used more as a lookout post rather then a nesting area. When encountering this, it is best to install bird spikes along the edges of the roof along with the chimney area. Another option for this situation would be the application of Bird Gel. Bird Gel is applied with a caulking gun and creates a sticky surface that pest birds can't stand.

Nesting situations can be a little more difficult to contain. Once a pest bird has constructed a nest, a physical deterrent is a must. Birds are opportunistic nesters and will find just about any nook or crevice to make their own. For example, dormers are common on most houses and are one of the easiest and safest places for birds to nest. Nesting usually occurs, but is not limited, to the spring and summer months. The pest birds begin by gathering nesting material and packing it in their desired location, in this case, a dormer. If a homeowner can catch the problem at this point it will make deterring them a lot easier. Once identified, this problem can be solved by installing netting over the area where the birds are entering. Netting made of polypropylene or polyethylene are readily available and generally inexpensive. Netting is really the only way to eliminate nesting birds and can be used anywhere on a house. If installed correctly, it is virtually invisible and highly effective.

Last there are the visual and sound bird deterrents. Visual bird deterrents offer a simple yet effective solution to getting rid of birds on a house. The most common types of these include, but are not limited to hawk decoys, mylar flash tape, and flashy balloons. Birds have many natural predators, one of them being the red tail hawk which is found throughout the United States. By placing one of these hawk decoys on top of a house it causes pest birds to avoid the area all together in fear of being the hawk's next meal. The mylar flash tape is very effective when cut into one to three foot strips and placed in trees where large concentrations of birds congregate. This tape puts off a lot of flash and glitter that distorts the vision of the birds causing them to vacate the area. The balloons works in a similar fashion as the flash tape in that it has large metallic "eyes" on all sides that creates extreme discomfort among a pest bird population. These can also be place in trees, on porches, basically anywhere that can support the weight of a beach ball. As far as sound deterrents go, they are proving to be more and more effective as technology expands. These sound units emit a distress call that gives the birds the illusion that one of their own is being attacked by a predatory bird or mammal. Instinctually the pest birds flee the area. Sound units are safe, humane, and will not affect household animals.

After discussing the potential damage pest birds can cause along with solutions, it is easy to see why household bird control is growing in popularity. When it comes down to it, no person wants any animal defacing their home, especially when it comes with the risk of disease. By getting rid of pest birds, one can ensure the aesthetics and equity of their home and more importantly the safety of those living there.

8 Ways to Get Rid of Pigeons

by Alex A. Kecskes

Not long ago, feeding pigeons in Trafalgar Square became an offense with violators being fined. In one city, pest birds had learned to associate a school's lunch bell with feeding time and would aggressively pester children for food. The fact is, "get rid of pigeons" has become the battle cry in many cities, towns and parks throughout the world. Especially as city health officials become increasingly aware of the many diseases carried by pigeon droppings.

The truth is, pigeons can create a number of serious problems. Gathering in flocks on buildings, pigeons can constitute a threat to human health and safety. The mess and droppings left by pigeons can negatively impact the appearance of a business. Often, the sheer weight of bird droppings can lead to structural collapse, particularly ceilings. It can also have a negative impact on a business's workforce. This includes the slip-and-trip hazards bird droppings leave on walkways, steps and entrances. It's no wonder more property owners seek ways to get rid of pigeons.

Clean-up costs can be prohibitively expensive. Removing nesting materials and accumulated droppings can be difficult, sometimes requiring specialists in "moon suits" to protect them from disease-carrying droppings that are aerated during removal by sand blasters. 

Through bird egg removal, birth-control pills and food deprivation, problem pigeons can be driven out of most areas in three to five years. While these methods may be humane, they are too time-consuming to appeal to most property owners and municipalities.  Fortunately, there are far more efficient and expedient ways to get rid of pigeons.
Bird Spikes…they Only Look Painful

Time and again, Bird Spikes have helped get rid of pigeons in buildings and structures around the world. The spikes work because pigeons can't negotiate a landing around them. It's just simple physics. The spiked strips come in rigid U.V.-resistant unbreakable polycarbonate, or longer-lasting, slightly more expensive stainless steel. And lo and behold, bird spikes now come in a variety of colors--including white, tan, gray, black, brown, brick red and crystal clear. The spikes are easily glued or screwed to any surface. You can also get a Girder Spike for keeping pigeons off girders or I-beams (they come with adjustable “C-clamps” to fit any size girder). There's also a Gutter Spike, which prevents pigeons from cluttering up rain gutters. The best bird spikes are blunted, GSA approved, and safe for birds and maintenance crews.

Bird Slopes Blend in to the Architecture

Bird Slopes are angled, slippery PVC panels that pigeons can't seem to get a solid footing on. Ideal for all those 90-degree nooks and crannies, the panels come in a variety of colors to blend in with a building's aesthetics. Better panels are made of U.V.-stabilized polycarbonate panels, since these can last longer in tough outdoor weather.

Bird Wire Systems Keep Pigeons off Balance

Pigeons hate to land on these unstable wires. They'll boogie and dance to no avail as they slip on and off trying to land. After a few seconds, they just leave. Pigeons, like most birds, prefer a solid footing. Bird wire systems with their post-and-spring-wire set-ups get rid of pigeons by denying them stability. Ideal for railings, rooftops and similar extensions where pigeons prefer to land, the systems are easily installed and frequently employed by Federal and State government buildings. The best bird wire systems feature nylon coated stainless steel wire for lasting durability.

Pigeon Netting Excludes Pigeons

Easily cut and shaped to fit in most any tight area, Bird Netting keeps pigeons out of the corners and recesses where they often roost and nest. High quality netting is made from ISO 1806 mesh test polyethylene fabric. The best netting is U.V.-stabilized, flame-resistant and rot- and water-proof. Bird netting comes in several different colors--like white, stone and black, making it an aesthetic way to get rid of pigeons.

Pigeon Scare Devices…Hang 'em High

Pigeons get nervous around things they view as a threat. And when they get nervous, they leave. This is where bird scare devices come in. They're economical, effective and humane. They're also easy to install. They include Flash Tape, which crackles in the wind, Banners that flap in the breeze, and Balloons covered with huge predator eyes that bob and weave in the air. They work best if you swap them out occasionally. After all, pigeons are among the smartest birds in the world.

Sonic Repellers Give Pigeons an Earful

Would you pitch a tent near the sound of a rattlesnake?  Or within the sound of howling wolves?  Well, pigeons aren't dummies either, which is why they won't nest or roost near the sound of peregrine falcons (a pigeon's dreaded enemy) defending their territory. The point is, threatening sounds can deter pigeons and keep them from coming back. Pest pigeons become very nervous and frightened when they hear the sounds broadcast by Sonic Repellers. Especially, if the sounds are repeated regularly.  Keep in mind these sounds are not annoying to humans, which makes them an ideal way to get rid of pigeons.

Bird Gels Give Pigeons that Fly on Flypaper Feeling

No bird likes walking on a sticky surface. It makes them feel trapped and really uncomfortable. Bird Gels are easy to apply using a standard caulking gun. The chemical skins over, but takes up to six months to dry, staying tacky all the while.

Hawk Decoys Look Real Enough to Pigeons

Use these bad boys in tandem with some of the other deterrents previously mentioned and you're sure to get rid of pigeons. These realistic looking predators will make pigeons think twice before landing. Easy to mount and display, these hawks are made of heavy duty plastic and are weather- and water-resistant. They can be hung from rafters or overhangs, or positioned strategically on building rooftops and other flat surfaces. For added stability, you can open the bottom tab of the hawk and fill it with sand.

Get Rid of Birds Before Spring Flocks Arrive

by Alex A. Kecskes

Spring is almost upon us. And so are the pest birds. They're waiting in the wings to get at your property. They'll be on the lookout for shelter from the elements, easy access to food, and protection from predators. In the next few months, your property will look pretty appealing to these annoying pests—unless you act now to get rid of birds before they settle in and become a real problem.

As you may have painfully learned from last year's pest bird invasion, birds can cost you dearly. Not just in cleanups, but in property damage and repairs. Bird droppings as you know, can jam up rooftop ventilators, blot out solar panels and seize up air conditioners.

They can ruin the paint on your house, your car and your boat. There's no denying it, bird droppings have done more than simply deface barbeques, garden umbrellas and padded exterior chairs and lounges.

Bird droppings also carry diseases—any of 60 at last count. These can ruin your good health and make you ill just when guests arrive for the sunny days ahead.  So what to do? Get rid of birds, that's what. And the best way to do that is with some humane and effective bird deterrents. Here's just a few:

Bird Slopes--Birds slip and slide off these slippery angled panels like tomato seeds off a spoon. They fit right into all those 90-dgree nooks and crannies birds love to tuck their little nests in. The panels are easy to install on almost any surface and will deter a wide variety of pest birds. You'll want to order the best panels, and the one's to get are fabricated from U.V.-protected PVC, which makes them sun- and weather-resistant. Some manufacturers even make them in different colors--stone and grey--to blend in better with their surroundings. Getting rid of birds has never been easier.

Bird Gels--Birds land one foot on this sticky stuff and they feel like a fly on flypaper. Not to worry, they can leave anytime they want--and they do. These gels work in temperatures from 15F to 200F and usually remain tacky for up to six months outdoors. Designed to deter pest birds from virtually any horizontal surface, you apply bird gels in a zigzag pattern using a caulking gun. The gels are non-toxic and safe for humans and animals. You can use these gels to deter crows, gulls, pigeons, sparrows, starlings and many other species of birds.

Bird Spikes--These bad boys get the job done.  No bird in God's creation has ever landed on a Bird Spike. They're widely used on rooflines, parapet walls, I-beams, window ledges, signs traffic lights, wherever you need to get rid of birds. The blunted spikes are harmless, and they come in long-lasting stainless steel or rigid unbreakable polycarbonate. They install easily on any flat surface or ledge. Some spikes come in two-foot long strips for easier installation. One company even offers plastic bird spikes in different colors--including white, tan, gray, black, brown, brick red and crystal clear.

Wish You Could Get Rid of Birds?

by Alex A. Kecskes

The ancients believed that birds represented the souls of the dead, and that a bird attacking a window or trying to enter a house was thought to be the soul of a dead person coming to lead the deceased's body into the afterlife.

While a few still believe birds to be souls on the wing, most consider them to be either friends or foe, sans the mysticism. As friends they cheer us up with song. As foe, we simply want to get rid of birds, since they so often cost us time and aggravation. Their droppings can destroy rooftop ventilators, solar panels and air conditioners. They can ruin the paint on our homes and cars, cause us to slip and fall on their slick poop. And even make us seriously ill.  In the past, birds were simply killed--shot, trapped or poisoned. But today, fortune favors the kind. And we now have a variety of humane and highly effective ways to get rid of birds.
Bird Ridding Devices That Work

Bird Slopes--What a great idea. Combine bird deterrence with aesthetics and presto, no more birds. These slippery angled panels fit easily into all those 90-degree nooks and crannies birds love to nest in. Birds try to land on these panels but they just slide right off, never to gain a solid footing. The panels are easy to install on almost any surface and will successfully deter a wide variety of pest birds. The best bird slope panels are fabricated of U.V.-protected PVC to make them sun and weather resistant. And some manufacturers even make them in different colors--stone and grey--to match your building's aesthetics. Which makes panels a beautiful way to get rid of birds.

Bird Gels--If pest birds are landing on your conduit, pipes, ledges, and parapet walls, you need Transparent Bird Gel to get rid of birds. Designed to deter pest birds from virtually any horizontal surface, birds land one foot on this sticky stuff and they'll make tracks to get off. These gels work in temperatures from 15F to 200F and usually remain tacky for up to six months outdoors. Applied in a zigzag pattern using a caulking gun, these non-toxic gels are safe for humans and animals. Gels are ideal for deterring crows, gulls, pigeons, sparrows, starlings and many other species of birds.

Bird Spikes--These devices took off like iPhones for teens. Rows of spindly spikes that keep birds from landing wherever you don't want them to land, nest and roost. What's not to like? Now they're as ubiquitous as pigeons in Rome--on rooflines, parapet walls, I-beams, window ledges, signs traffic lights, the list goes on and on. The blunted spikes are a harmless way to get rid of birds. They come in long-lasting stainless steel or rigid unbreakable polycarbonate. Installation is a snap on any flat surface or ledge. Some spikes come in two-foot long strips for easier installation. One company even offers plastic bird spikes in a spectrum of colors--including white, tan, gray, black, brown, brick red and even crystal clear.

Mega Spikes--To deter really large birds like gulls, cormorants, vultures and raptors, there's the Mega Spike. Its 7-inch tentacles, fabricated of marine-grade stainless steel, will convince any bird to move on. The best spikes are crush-proof with a non-reflective metal finish. Another nifty feature is a U.V.-protected polycarbonate base that allows spikes to be bent around curved surfaces.

Gutter Spikes--Perfect for keeping seagulls, crows, and pigeons from nesting and clogging up rain gutters, the best Gutter Spikes feature adjustable clamps at the base that make it easy to install the spikes to the lip of a gutter.

Bird Spider--If your boat covers, awnings, or patio covers are being rained on by bird droppings, it's time you looked into a Bird Spider. Ideal for deterring pigeons, crows, gulls, cormorants or raptors, these devices will get rid of the birds that make your life so miserable. The spider's spindly arms wave constantly in the breeze to make birds feel uncomfortable. Bird spiders come in several arm lengths to scare away a wide range of pest birds.

Air Treatment Systems--Ideal for open spaces that have been invaded by pest birds, air treatment systems release a non-toxic mist, fog or scent that irritates a bird's trigeminal nerve and mucous membranes. This is one effective way to get rid of birds in airports, golf courses or parks. One commercially available system features a control unit to which you can attach up to 64 misting “drop” units. Each drop unit can cover an area of about 7,000 square feet. Better still, each unit can be set to go off simultaneously or at alternating times for more flexibility. For enclosed or semi enclosed areas (like a "big box" retail store), you may only need an "always-on” air treatment system that maintains a constant low level of “pleasant to human” scents--but is really annoying to birds.

Bird Netting--Another way to get rid of birds is to simply exclude them. And that's what Bird Netting does so well. Perfect for deterring a wide variety of pest birds from groves, vineyards, enclosed courtyards, patios and similar open or semi-open areas. Bird netting comes in various mesh sizes to exclude pigeons, sparrows, starlings and seagulls. For lasting durability, choose bird netting that has been U.V. stabilized, and is rot and waterproof. Non-conductive netting should be used where electrical conductivity or radio frequency interference might cause a problem. Netting is even available in different colors--including white, stone or black to blend in with its surroundings. The best bird proof netting meets ISO 1806 protocols.